The second MOST Forum took place on March 23rd, 2010, in Frankfurt, Germany. 150 professionals from the automotive electronics industry and academia participated in the very informative conference and visited the accompanying exhibition. The broad international audience was composed of attendees from Europe as well as India, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. "Besides the OEM's perspective and discussion of the ongoing MOST150 development and production launch, the message of the MOST Forum concentrated on two aspects: flexible means of connectivity to the MOST network and the readiness of MOST150 for new applications beyond pure infotainment," said Dr. Christian Thiel, MOST Cooperation Administrator. "The conference marks the kickoff for the MOST future in proving the technology's compliance to new connectivity interfaces and functionalities." Response was positive overall: the attendees very much appreciated the high quality of the conference. They were enthusiastic about the informative and interesting presentations and looked forward to future MOST events.
In the well attended exhibition area, various companies presented their innovative MOST solutions and applications. Amongst the exhibitors was the MOST Cooperation with a demonstrator showing that MOST supports star, daisy-chain, tree and other topologies as well as different physical layers. The carmakers Audi and BMW demonstrated the latest car models that just had been introduced to the market. Further exhibits were by Avago Technologies, Dension Audio Systems, GADV, GOEPEL electronic, Hamamatsu Photonics, ICT Software Engineering, K2L, Melexis, Ontorix, Ruetz System Solutions, SMSC, TOYODA GOSEI, and Vector Informatik. Industry partners SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineering) and ZVEI (Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) as well as the media partners Auto Electronics, Elektronik automotive, and ElektronikPraxis supported the MOST Forum and displayed their latest publications and work.
MOST Forum Retrospect
Conference presentations are available for download in one package (ZIP, 20 MB) >> or individually by clicking on the presentation title >>
PDF of MOST Special Edition including the conference proceedings is ready for download (PDF, 6.2 MB) >>
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