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POF Symposium @ OFC/NFOEC 2011

The Plastic Optical Fber Trade Organization hosted the "POF Symposium @ OFC/NFOEC 2011" on the OFC/NFOEC 2011 show floor at the Los Angeles Convention Center on March 10, 2011.

Download .zip of available proceedings listed below (28 MB)

Or view/download (PDF) individual presentations below:

Recent EU Project on Gigabit/s Transmission Over POF: Lesson Learned
Roberto Gaudino, Gabriella Bosco Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Active Optical Cables: A New POF Opportunity
Tom Rossi, Solutions by Design
Products and Technologies for Commercial Deployment of Gigabit POF Communication
Whitney White Chromis Fiberoptics, Inc.
Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres (mPOF)
Dr. Alexander Argyros, University of Sydney & Kiriama Pty Ltd
Short Wavelength Short Range Communication
Juri Vinogradov, POF-AC
Proposal for POF- ribbon Transmission
Juri Vinogradov, POF-AC
Optimization of Modulation and Equalization Schemes for POF Transmission
Roman Kruglov, POF-AC
G.hn Over POF - New Approach for HIgh Bitrate Transmission Over SI-POF
Roman Kruglov, POF-AC
Amplification of Light in Dye-doped Polymer Optical Fibers
Jon Arrue, University of the Basque Country (Bilbao,Spain)

POF Day Symposium @ OFC/NFOEC 2010

The Plastic Optical Fiber Trade Organization (POFTO) organized a POF Symposium focused on “POF for Home Networks” but also covers recent developments in technology, applications, and new markets such as AOC for HDMI, connectorless technology, and chip solutions for POF data communications. A special attraction is a review of the EEC POF-PLUS funded program, which is leading the way in the development of POF home networks. Speakers from around the world will review developments in their countries of Gigabit POF home networks.

Download .zip of available proceedings listed below (19 MB)

Or view/download (PDF) individual presentations below:

Options for Current and Future POF Home Networks
Bill Rollins, Arvind Mallya, AT&T
Integrated Optical Home Networks for IPTV and Multimedia Applications
Josef Faller, HomeFibre Digital Network GmbH
Plastic Optical Fiber in the Home: Operator Case Studies
John Lambkin, Firecomms Ltd.
10 Gbit/s Over Plastic Optical Fiber as a Way for Extremely Low-cost Optical Interconnection
Sven Loquai, Roman Kruglov, Olaf Ziemann, Juri Vinogradov, Christian-Alexander Bunge POF-AC, Nuernberg, Germany
Perfluorinated GI-POF systems for Active Optical Cables and Interconnects
Whitney White, Chromis Fiber
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf Ziemann, Prof. Dr. Hans PoiselProf. Dr. , POF Application Center - University of Nuremburg Germany
Bend-insensitive Polymer Optical Fibers
Olaf Ziemann, Juri Vinogradov, Michael Luber, POF Application Center, Nuernberg; Peter Kroeplin, Sojitz, Germany
POF Simulation Tool
Sven Loquai, Roman Kruglov, Olaf Ziemann, POF Applications Center; Christian Alexander Bunge, HFTL, Germany
Report of European POF-Plus Project
Robert Gaudino, ISMB, Italy
Gigabit Ethernet over POF using LEDs
Sebastian Randel1, Jeffrey Lee2, and Florian Breyer3 1 Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, CT T COM, Munich, Germany 2 TU Eindhoven, COBRA Institute, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 3 TU Mu?nchen, Institute for Communications Engineering , Munich, Germany
Multi-Gigabit Transmission over Graded Index PMMA POF using DMT Techniques
Eduward Tangdiongga, Hejie Yang, Chigo Okonkwo, Yan Shi, Henrie Ven der Boom, Ton Koonen; TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Integrated Receiver Technology for High-speed POF Systemsegrated Receiver Technology for High-speed POF Systems
Integrated Receiver Technology for High-speed POF Systemsegrated Receiver Technology for High-speed POF Systems Holger Holtke¹, Josef Witt¹, Nicholas Schenk², Norbert Weiner³, Sven Loquai4; ¹Silicon Line, Germany, ²Avago, Germany, ³Fraunhofer, Germany,4POFAC, Germany
POF Sensor Applications
Joseba Zubia, Univ. Bilbao, Spain
KDPOF, The Path for the Gigabit POF
Carlos Pardo, CEO, KDPOF


POF Day Symposium @ OFC/NFOEC 2009

The Plastic Optical Fiber Trade Organization (POFTO) organized a POF Symposium to review recent developments in POF markets, technology, and applications. The theme of the POF Symposium was "The Market and Applications for Optical Links that are Less Than 100 Meters." Other developments in connectorless technology, active optical cables (AOC), and chip solutions for POF data communications were covered.

POF Markets for Less Than 100 Meters
Paul Polishuk, POFTO Board Member
POF Home Networking — Status, Standardization, and Outlook
Olaf Ziemann, Hans Poisel, and Hans Kragl, POF Applications Center
New POF Sources
John Lambkin, Firecomms
Simplified Multi-Gigabit Networking with Perfluorinated POF
Whitney White, Chromis Fiberoptics
New Termination Techniques for POF and the Latest Innovation in POF Connectors
Paul Mulligan, FiberFin
POF Systems Simulation showing the Real Potential of POF Links
Juri Vinogradov, Roman Kruglov, Olaf Ziemann, POF Applications Center


POF Standards Workshop (2009)
Discussion & Strategy on the Development of POF Standards

The Plastic Optical Fiber Trade Organization (POFTO) organized a workshop on March 23, 2009 at OFC/NFOEC on "Discussion and Strategy on the Development of POF Standards". A review of existing POF standards and recent activities was be presented to start the discussion as well as the Global POF Installation Guide (GPOFIG) Proposal.

Present State of POF Standards: Activities, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Paul Polishuk, POFTO Board Member
ODVA Standards Related to POF
Paul Mulligan, FiberFin
POF Standards 2010: What Do We Need Next?
Olaf Ziemann, POF Applications Center


SAE World Congress 2008: Recent Developments in POF for Automotive OEM and Aftermarket Applications

The SAE 2008 World Congress was held at COBO Hall April 14-17, 2008. For the second year in a row, POFTO has organized a session aimed at US OEMs and their suppliers. The POFTO session was on Monday morning. Topics and speakers included the following:

Download .zip of available proceedings listed below (5.4 MB)

Or view/download (PDF) individual presentations below:

POF Market Trends
Paul Polishuk, POFTO
MOST Up to Date
Henry Muyshondt, MOST Cooperaton
POF Connectors and Associated Equipment
Paul Mulligan, FiberFin
Challenge for High Temperature Resistant POF Cable for the Future MOST System
Ken Eben, Mitsubishi International

Full Report on this this technical session is available here.


POF Day Symposium @ OFC/NFOEC 2008

The objective of this free one day symposium, held during the OFC/NFOEC '08 Conference at OSP/FTS Booth 3539 Theatre was to show what Plastic Optical Fiber is and what it can do.

Download .zip of available proceedings listed below (18 MB)

Or view/download (PDF) individual presentations below:

POF Market Trends
Paul Polishuk, POFTO
The Efficient Partnership of LED and POF Technology for High Speed Data Communications,
Olaf Ziemann, POF-AC
Recent Developments in 650nm VCSELs AND RCLEDs
John Lambkin, Firecomms Ltd.
Developments in Perfluorinated Gi-POF,
Dana DuToit, Chromis Fiber Optics
Ethernet over POF
Greg Smyth, DiMoto Pty Ltd
Trends in POF Connector Developments
Paul Mulligan, FiberFin
Review of POF Standards Activities
Paul Mulligan, FiberFin
Structural Monitoring with Low Cost POF Sensors
Olaf Ziemann, POFAC
POF-based Delivery System for High-Power LED Light
Karl-Friedrich Klein, University of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg


POF Day Symposium @ OFC/NFOEC 2007

The objective of this free one day symposium, held on Thursday, March 29th during the OFC/NFOEC '07 Conference at OSP/FTS Booth 3666 was to show what Plastic Optical Fiber is and what it can do. It is intended for those not familiar with POF technology and recent applications. Login here to download the proceedings which are made available to POFTO members free of charge. Please use the login "pofto", plus your POFTO member password.


Articles of Interest to the POF Industry

"So how did we get from 150 feet to 100 meters?"
Donna Ballast - Cable Installation & Maintenance, August 2006

A good article on the origin of the 100 meter standard.

"Visionary Hookups" Hank Hogan, Contributing Editor - Photonics Spectra, September 2006

Includes table describing standards used in machine vision.

"Will Plastic Fibers Challenge Glass for Networking?" (subscription required) Jim Hayes, Electrical Contractor, October 2006


Other Materials

Other Materials
MOSTCO Presentation (7.9 MB)
Vector Presentation - Penlight (692.5 kB)
REUTZ TECHNOLOGIES Presentation (655 kB)

DaimlerChrystler Presentation (2.8 MB)