Katherine Bourzac of MIT's Technology Review writes in the latest issue of a process of wrapping solar cells around an optical fiber by which the dye-sensitized cells get a double boost from nanowires and optical fiber which could present a siginificant opportnity for POF. As Bourzac writes:
Dye-sensitized solar cells are flexible and cheap to make, but they tend to be inefficient at converting light into electricity. One way to boost the performance of any solar cell is to increase the surface area available to incoming light. So a group of researchers at Georgia Tech has made dye-sensitized solar cells with a much higher effective surface area by wrapping the cells around optical fibers. These fiber solar cells are six times more efficient than a zinc oxide solar cell with the same surface area, and if they can be built using cheap polymer fibers, they shouldn't be significantly more expensive to make.
The entire aticle can be found on the Technology Review website here:
Wrapping Solar Cells around an Optical Fiber