POFTO Members Attend Standards Meetings and Electronic Flight Bag (EPB) Symposium

During the week of May 27-29 there were three fiber optics events of interest to POFTO:

  1. ARNIC Fiber Optics Subcommittee Meeting

  2. Joint Navair and ARNIC Standards Meeting on WDM-LAN

  3. Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Symposium

The EFB Symposium was organized by Electronic Cable Specialists., Inc. (ECS) as part of their 25th anniversary celebration. ECS is a major supplier of cable assemblies and wiring of commercial aircraft module for Boeing, Airbus, and private jets.

One of the events was a tour and dinner at the new Milwaukee Art Museum which has a unique roof design which opens like a set of wings as depicted in the photo in its open position.

A presentation was prepared by POFTO on the "Potential Applications of Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) for Commercial and Military Aircraft" for the ARNIC Fiber Optics Subcommittee.

The presentation can be downloaded here.